Thursday, January 27, 2011
Photos: Jack Butler Photography |
Brooke's dress was made from a very special embroidered organdy that might just be a hundred years old. This dress was a little one-of-a-kind I cooked up in my studio, and it found the girl who was meant to wear it. I love when that happens.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
WeddingWire, the nation’s leading wedding technology company, recently announced that Viva la wedding has been selected to receive the prestigious annual WeddingWire Bride’s Choice Awards™ 2011 for Wedding Planning/Coordination!
Recognition for the Bride’s Choice Awards™ 2011 is determined by recent reviews and extensive surveys from over 750,000 WeddingWire newlyweds. Viva's past clients are among those that shared their experiences on WeddingWire, the largest wedding review site in the nation.
Recognition for the Bride’s Choice Awards™ 2011 is determined by recent reviews and extensive surveys from over 750,000 WeddingWire newlyweds. Viva's past clients are among those that shared their experiences on WeddingWire, the largest wedding review site in the nation.
Viva stands among the top five percent of wedding professionals in the WeddingWire community, representing quality and service excellence within the wedding industry. Awards were given to the top wedding professionals across 20 service categories, from wedding venues to wedding photographers, and were based on the overall professional achievements throughout the past year.
“WeddingWire is honored to celebrate the success of the top-rated wedding professionals within the WeddingWire community,” said Timothy Chi, WeddingWire’s Chief Executive Officer. “With the annual Bride’s Choice Awards™ program, WeddingWire has the unique opportunity to recognize the best wedding professionals across the US and Canada. We applaud Viva la wedding for their professionalism and dedication to enhancing the wedding planning experience last year.”
We are happy to announce that Viva la wedding is among the very best wedding planners/coordinators within the WeddingWire Network, which includes leading wedding planning sites WeddingWire, Martha Stewart Weddings, Project Wedding and Weddingbee. Viva would like to thank our past clients for nominating us to receive the Bride’s Choice Awards™ 2011. To see a complete list of this year's winners click here.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
The best laid plans.
Hi everyone! It's been a quiet week on the blog, but only because we are pouring all our energy into our 2011 fashion show. The process always begins by reflecting on last year's event and brainstorming new, brilliant ways to make the show even more fun, lovely and surprising. We have a lot of wild ideas in the works! Meanwhile, I thought I'd roll the "highlights reel" from last year's show. Enjoy!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Sleeves, please.
Kate Osborne Photography |
Monday, January 10, 2011
I do love when my dress goes to England.
Maybe it's the English major in me, but I have a weakness for red telephone boxes...
All photos: Lillian and Leonard
Victorian brick...
...and beer swilling grannies. Mel's Manchester wedding. The bride wore Giselle. And a fine time was had by all.All photos: Lillian and Leonard
Fashion show tickets still available.
So, the English Dept. fashion show is NOT sold out yet. I'm working out a glitch with the online ticket website. Rest assured there are still plenty of tickets available. As soon as this little issue is hammered out I'll repost the link. Thanks for your patience!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Review: Pilma Jilbab Stylist
Akhirnya sempet ngisi blog untuk review lanjutan. hehe. Yang di review kali ini adalah Jilbab Stylist gw pas Akad Nikah, yaitu mba Pilma Wati :)..Mba Pilma ini adalah jilbab stylist di majalah Anggun dan Paras.
Sebenarnya mah foto penampakan jilbab gw ud dipost di beberapa postingan sebelumnya. tapi tetep aja rasanya ga afdol klo review tentang jilbab stylist tp fotonya ga dikasih liat..haha. Sebenarnya yaa, gw ga mau banget tuh jilbab akad yang dibentuk bunga2, pengennya yang ala Irna La Perle..Kata Mba Pilma yang model2 begitu gampang banget bikinnya, cuma harus punya aksesoris jilbab yang mentereng. Dan berhubung gw ga punya, jadi mba Pilma berkreasi sendiri deh dengan bahan-bahan jilbab yang dibawanya dan gw dipakein ampe 4 pieces jilbab. At the end, walaupun ga jadi yang ala Irna La Perle nyatanya gw sangat puas ama hasil jilbabnya mba Pilma :D..Bunga2nya pun ga berlebihan..
Selain gw, mama dan 2 ade' gw juga dipakein jilbab ama Mba Pilma. Jadi gw emang minta paket jilbab untuk gw, mama, dan ade'2. Dari segi harga, menurut gw mah ok
Kelar gw, mama, dan ade'2 di jilbabin, kakak spupu gw juga minta dipakein jilbab. Dan memang udah sngaja mau bayar tapi ternyata dikasih gratis ama mba Pilma :D.. "Kalau cuma tambah satu doank sih ga usah nambah. Kalau 15 tuh baru deh nambah," kata mba Pilma. Berarti sebenarnya kalau nambah 14 orang gratis donk mba?hahaha
Nilai yang gw kasih buat mba pilma adalah 9,5!! Pokoknya T.O.P B.G.T deh..Very recommended!!
Pilmawati Jilbab Stylist - 081563225770
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
It's Fashion Show time.
Announcing The English Dept. 2011 Bridal Fashion Show! We've been working furiously behind the scenes to get everything ready, and I can't wait to show you all our pretty new dresses. Tickets are available online here. Please come!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Review: Rinda's Henna
Sebelum nikah, gw udah pernah posting tentang Rinda's Henna disini :)..Kali ini mau review setelah dipakenya plus sharing gambar gimana penampakan henna tanganku pas akad nikah..hehe..
Jadi, hari Kamis, 9 Desember 2010, malam, Kak Rinda kerumah untuk pakein henna di tangan&kaki gw. Berhubung deal2an harganya bener-bener harga saudara serumpun (Kak Rinda juga orang Aceh - red), jadinya emang pas2an banget&Kak Rinda mesti naik angkot ke rumah gw untuk hemat budget.. Tapii ternyata hari itu jalanan ibukota sedang macet2nya dan yang rencananya Kak Rinda sampe dirumah gw jam7malam, jadinya baru sampe jam9 dan itupun tetep harus naik taxi..Maafkan akuu yaaa kak :D..O iya, ternyata pas sampe dirumah gw, Kak Rinda mengenali salah satu kakak sepupu gw dari Aceh yang ternyata adalah kakak kelasnya pas di SMA dulu. what a small world!!
Karena udah jam9, langsung lah gw siap-siap di henna. Gw cuma nunjukin gambar foto yang gw mau dan mulailah Kak Rinda meng-henna. Selama di henna, Kak Rinda ngobrol2 ama ade' spupu gw dan ternyata orang yang mereka omongin ya itu-itu aja...jadi skalian reuni deh mereka..hehehe..Malah gw yang ga ngerti apa-apa :p
Sekitar jam11an, proses henna-menghenna pun selesai. Gw suka banget ama hasil hennanya. Sesuai banget ama apa yang gw minta. walaupun antara tangan kanan dan kiri ya ga sama persis karena kan Kak Rinda menggambar langsung ditangan gw ga pake cetakan apa2, dan sebenarnya malah unsur 'serupa tapi ga sama' itulah yang gw suka :D..
Maaf kan yaa untuk yang dikaki ga ada fotonya..ada sih yang diambil pake bb pas dipakein tp fotonya ga oke..haha..O iya, untuk warna hennanya ada macam2, tergantung request dari kitanya juga..Plus biasanya kak rinda menyarankan warna yang cocok untuk bajunya juga.
Secara keseluruhan sih gw memberikan nilai 8,5!! Kenapa ga 9?karena warna hennanya ga terlalu tahan lama :(..Gw dipakeinnya kamis malam, tapi hari Minggu warnanya udah mulai pudar..Tapi siih kayaknya itu karena gw pilih warna merah kecoklatan, klo pilih yang warna hitam mungkin tahannya bakal lebih lama..
Buat yang pengen pake juga atau pengen nanya2, langsung aja mampir ke Facebooknya Rinda's Henna, atau hubungin aja by phone ke 081381121844 atau 02197969027. O iya, kalau ada yang nonton Jelang Siang di Trans TV tanggal 31 Desember 2010 kemarin, Kak Rinda ada diacara itu lhoo, segmen terakhir..Hennanya masuk tipi euyy :p..
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