It has been a strange week for me, my beloved father is in hospital and I have been on a bit of a standby really, just doing hospital visits, worrying about him and my mother and generally trying to be useful but finding it hard to concentrate and not really knowing how to pass the odd few hours.
So, what does a girl do when under this sort of predicament, I have been just clearing clutter that has built up over the summer and filling my mind with ideas for decorating and design, which of course is therapeutic in itself. When I spoke to my sister in London earlier, she was doing exactly the same thing!
I have a certain design style I love but of course I cannot stamp my personal taste onto my weddings or interiors, I have to make sure I translate what the client wants, whether I like it or not!
Some of my posts are not directly wedding related but they are researching design, colour, balance and style, all commodities that are applied to our wedding design.
You would be amazed what images are stored in the back of my head somewhere and are hauled back out when I meet with a client that has their own vision.
I love these images I found this evening on a fabulous design blog.
More inspiration for my decluttering and decoration plans and of course perhaps for a future wedding.