Amy Atlas, also known as “The Sweets Stylist,” is internationally recognized for creating the stylized dessert bar trend that so many MOHs are setting up at their best friend's bridal shower and so many brides are including in their wedding.
We've all dropped our jaws in utter amazement of the images on Amy's website and stalked Amy's blog anxiously awaiting her next post.
Now, after two long years working on this labor of love, Amy is about to release her first book and while it won't be in stores for another month (April 24th 2012) we just couldn't wait to tell you about it!
Sweet Designs has 15 chapters filled with recipes for irresistible treats, affordable DIY craft projects and features never seen before dessert tables, each inspired by themes her clients most often request: a favorite color, design, flavor, destination, passion, or holiday.
Mark your calendar folks. It's only a month away!!